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Latest GitHub gem released

Now available on gemcutter, the github gem is alive and kicking with an exciting 0.4.0 release</a>. To install:   $ gem sources -a <>   $ gem install github To see all the options:   $ gh Post any issues/bugs. Latest continuous integration status via runcoderun: green.


At least on my machine, the command is slightly different, ‘sudo gem sources -a' (I am on Ubuntu Jaunty). Add is ‘-a’ not ‘add’. Gems version 1.3.1

@blackfeather - thx for that, I’ve updated the text above

Check out this github bash utility as well :)

Not really keen on long posts on the front page here but mostly because they tend to suck.. so you get a green light this time, lol :-) I did tighten it up a little though.

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