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You're An Idiot For Not Using Heroku

John Nunemaker shows how painless it is to deploy an app on Heroku in his blog post.


He also tweeted about this:

bq. Created and deployed a MongoDB backed Rails app to Heroku and MongoHQ today. I have witnessed the future.

An Idiot and without cash.

From my point of view, i don’t need Heroku i’ll stay independant and self-hosted with self integrations process i understand and masterize. Idiots are just thoose whom feel greater and more clever than their pairs

PROFILE A - “Oh, I’m very intelligent, I use a niche-technology, and I want it stay so! I like doing things the pain way, besides…”

I suggest that profile A people don’t use Ruby and Rails

PROFILE B - “I’m probably not so smart, so I’d better be on the gentle/friendly giant’s shoulders… And anything that can simplify my life, make me meet new friends, spread a beautiful technology is really welcome. I should probably know more things, but having little or no barriers to getting started and get results/feedback is the best thing I could do…”

Maybe this is the reason for which so many idiot people become less and less idiot…

Just opened an account using Heoku’s tutorial It was ridiculously easy.

Working with Rails since 2005 I know the TIME (nevermind the pain) it takes installing a rails environment (database, mongrel/passenger, nginx, capistrano, git, …) and here came Heroku and did it all for me, it took me less than 5 minutes and I had a Rails app online(!)

It seems like the last nail in making writing web applications so easy - and that’s what Rails is all about, isn’t it?

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