RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog

Presentation by David Ungar (Stanford University Youtube channel)

David Ungar of Self fame mentions Ruby in his presentation ‘Self and Self: Whys and Wherefores’ although not in exclusively favourable terms:

❝The broader lesson is that when you design your system, especially when you are designing conceptual systems like languages or mathematical notation, ... don't just make your systems elegant and powerful but know why you are making every design choice. See if you can trace that path from a value to a principle to a practise for every design choice. Too many people design languages cause well I like this feature in Ruby so I put this in and I like this feature here so I put that in and pretty soon you have languages, need I name them, that are just a dog's breakfast of features.❞

In general getting mentioned in a talk of David Ungar is not a bad sign though ;)

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