RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog

Got any ideas or suggestions for RubyFlow?

I’m going to be doing a little extra development on RubyFlow soon, so I want to get a feel for what ideas and suggestions you all have for it. I can’t promise anything but all ideas will be read and appreciated - just leave a comment here :-) Even if it’s a small design tweak or “leave it alone”, go for it!


The only feature already scheduled is a “favorites” tool. If you’re logged in, you’ll be able to star/favorite posts you want to keep referenced. Then there’ll be an extra favorites page where those are stored for you. Quite unobstrusive, but it’s been requested by a few users who want to keep track of things to read (I just use Instapaper for that, myself :-)).

Maybe a area for suggested gems for certain projects. For example, lets say your building a video sharing web app and what to know which gems would be a good fit?



What features would help increase conversation here? Perhaps if clicking on one of the titles loaded in comments via ajax it would seem like less of a detour to view them? Another possibility, the top article could have its comments shown inline by default.

Just possibilities…

Provide edit or remove option for the publisher.Peter pls authenticate a good featured post in ruby flow.

Just a note: edit is already available for post authors who are logged in. Deletion isn’t, but mostly because the items get syndicated and it’d cause problems.

Needs more cowbell. Actually to increase conversation perhaps a count of new messages since your last visit next to the total for each post though I don’t know how your caching is set up. Also an option for logged in users to have anonymous posts minimised by default with a ‘show’ button.

A better spam filter, and a wider RSS available (with all the articles, including the ones from non-verified submitters).

ruby-toolbox is a good source, but i don’t think it provide enough information.

when you login, it should redirect you to the referring page, not back to the index…

email posters when a comment is posted and they have previously posted a comment.

+1 for subscription to threads for email notification.

For those of us getting RubyFlow in an RSS reader, it would be great if “Go to Article” took us to the featured link, rather than to RubyFlow. Ryan Tomayko’s blog does this really well.

austinfromboston: Posts aren’t typically a single link. The links are in the post content and those go direct to wherever they link to. The singular entity, as a post, exists only here. These are essentially small blog posts and can contain many links.. directing clicks on the main item to a random link from the post would probably be more confusing.

Besides, even if all that weren’t the case, it’d kill comments here and I already know how horrific it is for user engagement to run an RSS feed too well with Ruby Inside ;-)

For anyone who wants a “raw” feed:

There’s also a JSON feed:

Post a comment

You can use basic HTML markup (e.g. <a>) or Markdown.

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