RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog

QED (Quality Ensured Demonstrations)

Seeing as it is my birthday, I’ll go ahead and make a second release today. This one is for QED a test framework using literate programming techniques. QED make test-driven functional testing as easy eating pudding pie. This new release utilizes Tilt to convert documents to HTML which are then processed by the test runner, allowing QED to support many new markup formats. And, yes, we eat our own dog food pie. Check it out.


what’s the point? can someone explain?

you could combine this with rubinius’s literate programming branch, too…

Take a look at the “Check it out” link. That is an actual test suite. Basically it means that documenting and test-driven development become a single activity.

(Oh, side benefit. I have used to make sure code on blog posts run.)


I have heard this said before, perhaps by you. I don’t know much about rubinius’s literate programming branch and how QED would fit in with it. Can you direct me where I learn more? Thanks.


I have to update the branch (or you could, since it’s just on rbx), but then it’d be good to go. It follows the same literate programming rules as Haskell (for reference:, and literate ruby files end in ‘.lrb’.

Let me know if you have any questions/issues:

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