RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog

Switch between multiple Ruby interpreters with no hassle and no dependencies

If all you need is to switch your default Ruby interpreter between different versions, you don’t need RVM; all you need is optional package installations and four-line shell script.


rvm handles more than just symlinks to the ruby binaries. It handles the links to supporting binaries like irb & gem. It can also run a single script against multiple rubies as single command.

The biggest win tho is in gemsets and project specific gemsets. You can setup an rvmrc for each project that automatically loads up the proper ruby & set of gems for that project when you cd to it, and reverts back to default when you leave that directory.

rvm is easy to setup and use and worth the little effort required to get it running.

When ruby is installed as an optional package, all its binaries as well as gem executables go into its bin/ directory, so this solution does take care of that.

But I absolutely agree that RVM’s usefulness goes way beyond the simple problem tackled here – although what the gem environments mean in a Bundler world is less clear…

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