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Using Markdown & Sinatra to create resumes & deploy to Heroku in multiple formats quickly

I did a writeup explaining how to use the Ruby resume project to create a resume and publish to Heroku, Github pages, and a Gem. It currently supports a few formats, and soon should add PDF as well as others.


Not sure where this discussion should begin, but it looks like the time has come to start moderating the gems being pushed to gemcutter as it looks like people are now discovering they can use it as a spam mechanism.

Mark, I really don’t consider this a spam mechanism. It was suggested as part of a code challenge and I thought it was genuinely interesting. Until I published this post, I hadn’t heard any negative feedback about the feature.

I went ahead and updated the readme to say publishing a gem is not recommend as some people find it, bad taste. I personally believe at 13k gems, the few who made a *-resume gem wouldn’t be polluting the system.

I really built the project first and formost for publishing a resume online. I added the gem features as it was a suggestion on a ruby forum as a cool project. ( )

I checked with the people and they didn’t have a problem with it.

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