RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog

Frank 0.3.0 static site non-framework

Frank 0.3.0 is ready. Some pretty nice features in this release. We added META data, a new way to handle layouts, current_page variable, lorem field replacement text, and the auto refresh helper that will completely change your life. `gem install frank’ and enjoi.


This is my favorite tool for rapid static prototyping!

LB –> How is it possible you posted a comment at 13:38 today when it’s 9:55 Eastern and 6:55 Pacific right now? If you posted at 9:38, wouldn’t 4 hours ahead be somewhere in the Atlantic? T –> Excellent work!

I’m posting from the future because the future is Frank.

A better name would have been “Frankie” said in best Jersey Shore accent :)

Frankie was actually the original name, until I realized a gem called “Frankie” already existed :/


Timmy - perhaps the app time is configured to use GMT, which I think would currently be in the Atlantic because of DST.

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