RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog

The 28 Bytes of Ruby Joy!


You link some highly contentious stuff sometimes, with no indication that it is anything other than the accepted and condoned way to do things. Some of the links, such as this one, are the very opposite. I worry that this will cause more new rubyists to discover techniques like this with no warning that, actually, you may really not want to do that.

By “you” I mean this blog, not you specifically.

Thank you for that feedback. I will try to point out, that it could be dangerous to use such things, without actually knowing what the consequences are.

@Tim It’s one of the consequences of a community site. I wonder if Peter Cooper (or someone else) could/should filter content a little better?


I liked your post, but that definitely could be dangerous to new Rubyists. I’d rather write slightly more complex code that is easier to understand than elegant code that requires overriding methods that many may not even be aware of.

Can you imagine how much shit I’d get if I started deleting posts willy-nilly? :-)

I delete things that aren’t relevant, aren’t in English, and edit things that could do with some sprucing up. I would probably have deleted this if I’d noticed it, but only because it lacks a proper description.

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