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Easily dump and restore a snapshot of installed gems

gem_snapshot is a small rubygems plugin that allows you to dump a snapshot of your installed gems to a YAML file, and then install the gems in the snapshot later on (probably on a different computer).


Or you can just use bundler which is self contained and accomplishes the same goal and more.

RVM also has this functionality built in

Nice gem, I should try and integrate it with LazyGem.

gem snapshot dump -f filename.yml doesn’t seem to work on Windows XP. But you can just use gem snapshot dump > filename.yml

Doesn’t Bundler only do this on a per project basis? (And then requires you load Bundler in..)

When I first heard about Bundler, I hoped it was going to work like this rather than the.. weird way it does.

Bundler does not do this.

gem snapshot dump -f gems.yml ERROR: While executing gem … (NoMethodError) undefined method `to_yaml’ for #<Hash:0x000001010ffa08>

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