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Sequel 2.0 Released

Sequel 2.0 has been released. Sequel is a popular database / SQL abstraction library. It provides thread safety, connection pooling and a concise DSL for constructing database queries and table schemas, as well as a simple ORM layer.


I have tested the 2.0.0 version downloaded with “gem install”. Its broken. No attributes works anymore. Googled it. And found that it had been fixed but why isn’t it updated I wonder…

It seems to be the necessary thing to always run on trunk versions these days :)

It’s only broken in 2.0 if you are using Model.create_table (which isn’t the normal use case), and it has been fixed in the master branch. I’m considering putting out a 2.0.1 release with just the Model.create_table fix, but I’m not yet convinced it is worth the effort.

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