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Common interface for Ruby HTTP libraries

HTTPI provides a common interface for using different HTTP libraries. I need this for another project and unfortunately couldn’t find anything like it. Please let me know if something similar already exists. If it doesn’t, I’d appreciate your support!


typhoeus or faraday, maybe?

as far as i can see, these to projects are trying to achieve something else.

“these TWO”. but thanks :)

I developed a similar HTTP abstraction layer for riak-client - I might be able to contribute to this.

sean: i’d really love to get people involved. just fork or get in touch :)

This pretty sweet. The only things that seem familiar are faraday and rack-client. httpi looks a lot simpler to get up and running though.

faraday looks nice, but it seems to target frameworks. httpi is supposed to work as a standalone (gem) solution.

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