RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog

The No-Holds-Barred RubyFlow Suggestions Thread

It’s been at least a year since I invited everyone to have their say on where RubyFlow should be going (or not going!), what features are missing (or should be removed!), and so forth, so here we go. Post a comment here spilling out anything you want to say, suggest, praise, or criticize, and I’ll read them all (and maybe even throw in some ideas of my own).


I forgot to say thank you to all of you for visiting and submitting! I know a lot of people appreciate it. I visit a lot to pick up things for Ruby Inside and Ruby Weekly and I know others do (like Jason Seifer, for The Ruby Show podcast).

Voting–or at least some way to keep important stories stuck to the top for some period of time.

I second voting. When posting stories to, they get far more hits than RubyFlow, on the account they stay visible at the top for about a day. RubyFlow has become fairly high-traffic, so stories get bumped down almost immediately.

Maybe tags and sorting of tags as well?

Also, the profile page needs some love. I find it odd that I cannot change my website/bio without also having to reset my password.

Oh and SSL, because I’d rather not have my password and cookies in clear-text for FireSheep to om-nom-nom on.

@adelevie I was going to suggest tags/filtering StackOverflow style rather than voting (I’m not interested in Rails for instance) but there aren’t that many stories each day though so it’s probably overkill.

I’d also like to have some way to keep most relevant posts on top or a list on the sidebar sort of “Popular posts”, and tags or categories would be cool, if I wanted for example to check all post related to say gui development, I’m pretty sure I could manage with search but it could be better.

And one last thing that’s not really important but anyway, right next to the author’s name there’s a number that I assume it’s the amount of entries by that user, maybe it could be a link to display all of those entries instead of just showing the number.

Anyway, great job, since I found out about rubyflow I always check it every now and then.

An idea I’ve had a few times and wanted to throw out there.. would you like people to just submit URLs and titles like Reddit rather than having the “freeform” system as it is now? Or would that just turn RubyFlow into the Ruby subreddit? ;-)

I don’t like how multiple paragraphs in one post tend to look like they belong with the next post –especially if a subject is missing. Put some extra spacing between posts, and less spacing between paragraphs, and require a subject.

i came here to post exactly what trans posted.

You’re right - the spacing could do with some work. I usually edit items down to one paragraph to make them easier to read but they suck when they run to multiple..

Hacker News style points. Could make RubyFlow like a Ruby-only HN.

Another suggestion: a “paste url” button when writing a submission. I already entered the link, why copy and paste it again?

If you do points/voting, please make it not the default view. We don’t really have enough submissions to warrant “filtering” things honestly and I don’t want to miss more than I already do. :)

I would like to see a bookmarklet for submitting stories as well as full-text search of linked articles.

I would love to see a better “looking” site if that isn’t hard. Not that it is bad now. But it can be better. I personally feel there is too much “red” all over the place. A theme refresh would be “nice to have”. Thanks for all your work.

A way of marking comments as spam would be great too

good post website

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