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Bone v0.3 released - Remote environment variables

I released a new version of Bone and launched a free, companion web-service at I use it store dot-files, config templates, and many other things. Here’s the announcement.



Sorry, my point was why not just use github for this instead of this service? What problem are you solving?

It looks like a place to store things you don’t want anyone with git access to look at. secure config files should not be available to all your developers. The issue is neither is anyplace but the web server. Secure file should not be distributed anyplace. That said it could have other uses… not sure.

drhenner, that’s it ya. And also files or configuration that could be unique per user or per installation.

Other examples:

  • Keeping track of the the IP/hostname of the master DB. When you promote a machine to master, you update bone with the address. Any apps that rely on that value just need to be restarted/refreshed (i.e. no need to update them). Also, new instances will always grab the most current values without having to update machine images, config files, etc.

  • Backup scripts can update bone with the path to the most recent file the path to the most recent backup. This is helpful for recovery scripts or init scripts shared between developers.

  • Default Apache config. Instead of uploading files or checking out a git repo, it’s convenient to be able to grab commonly used files. bone apache-2-config > apache.conf

Bone is just a way of organizing small bits of transient data. These things may sound small but they have a pretty big impact on the quality of an infrastructure over time.

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