RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog

Prawn 0.11.1 released!

After over a year of developing the PDF generation library Prawn without doing an official release, the core team has finally replaced the legacy Prawn 0.8.4 gem with the 0.11.1 codebase. This brings the team very close to 1.0, and fixes many issues and adds many new features that Prawn users have been asking for since the start of the project. See the release notes, check out the awesome self-documenting manual, and kick the tires, because this release is one of our last stops on the path to 1.0!

I am absolutely thrilled to see that this project has continued to move forward even though I left the core team many months ago. These guys have made it better than ever, and are the reason why Prawn is awesome.

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