RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog

Squeel, aka the MetaWhere Rewrite

I just put up a quick blog post discussing the upcoming successor to MetaWhere, Squeel. I could really use some testers and feedback on what you’d like to see. If you’re running edge Rails, please try it out!


Hi ernie, as you seem to really know a lot on AR, I’d be very interested to know why you require Rails 3.1, what have changed between AR 3.0, AR 3.1 and Arel.

Thanks for your good work.

There are just a lot of internal changes to the association code in between Rails 3.0 and 3.1, basically. Assuming I get Squeel ready for release well before 3.1 is in the wild, I’ll backport it – but for now I’m just coding against edge to future-proof things.

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