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RuLu: Ruby Conference in Lyon, France on June 25-26th

The Lyon Ruby Brigade is pleased to announce its first Ruby Conference in Lyon, France. This conference will take place on June 25th and 26th. All the information you need to join us are on our website or on Twitter @rubylug.


Saturday 25th will host the conference talks (all given in English) of Konstantin Haase, Blake Mizerany, Joseph Wilk, Elise Huard, Nick Sutterer, Sven Fuchs and Michael Bensoussan. The keynote talk will be given by Joshua Wehner “Must It Always Be About Sex?”.

Sunday will be dedicated to both French and English talks (conference or lightning talks), hacking, coding dojos and the local Startup Weekend group will organize a pitch contest. If you’re interested in talking, participating in any way, please feel free to do so!

Help us spread the word and see you in Lyon!

So Lugdunum was the name of Lyon in Roman times - I learnt something new :-) I was thinking “RuLy” would sound better for a moment there.

W00t! I’m very happy to see that the ruby community in Lyon, France is so active. Good luck!

There was an old owl called ru In love with a pussy named lu, Both blind (in need of lasik) Their chemistry was BASIC, But it was the only code they knew.

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