RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog

Richie Rich: A simple system for investing (written in Ruby)

Richie Rich is a Ruby script that runs monthly (local cronjob) and generates an email report that shows each of the recommended mutual fund allocations and whether they should be in a buy/hold or sell/cash position.

The diversified fund allocations are based on the recommendations outlined in the book The Gone Fishin’ Portfolio. The buy/sell signals are based on the system outlined in the paper A Quantitative Approach to Tactical Asset Allocation.


This is a really unique project. I don’t think many rubyists see financial specific work posted here and many other places. It’d also be cool to integrate it with something like Clockwork so that it wouldn’t require cron.

Thanks for the compliment.

Yeah, the cron dependency is a downer but any other scheduler out there would require some sort of initial setup process, another downer I was trying to avoid.

Ideally this would be an external service that just email the end user and they wouldn’t have to mess with any sort setup process/cron job entry. Any takers? :)

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