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Japanese Open Source Rails Community?

What are the flagship Japanese open-source Rails apps? The anglophone open-source Rails community is large, but I’ve yet to see a “killer app” project that even resembles the popularity or best-of-breed open source apps available in the PHP world (think Wordpress or Drupal). All we have are clones; nothing that’s so amazing that we use it for any reason other than that it’s built on Rails. Has the Japanese community built anything better? Stuff that’s not being covered by the English-speaking Rails community.


Have you looked at the source code for Wordpress and phpBB? It’s absolute garbage. But it got popular and has a lot of support. With infinite manpower, you can make even the ugliest turd dance.

Rails hasn’t hit mainstream yet. ModRails will help, but it still will take many years.

I can tell you from working with a number of opensource PHP e-commerce packages that ActiveMerchant, a RoR plugin for handling credit-card / merchant accounts, is miles ahead of anything in any of the PHP suites.

I’ve got to agree with railsjedi.

The source for Wordpress is horrific. It’s just a mash of random things. It might look nice on the front end but the code that drives it is horrific.

We may not have any (or many) ‘killer’ apps but we’ve got by far one of the best frameworks with Rails. Have you tried using CakePHP? After using rails it just seems to be ridiculously over complex for the simplest of tasks.

In Japan, Rails is getting popular as enterprise web framework. In fact, some people had presentations about their enterprise applications in RubyKaigi 2008. But there are few open source Rails applications born in Japan. I know only Rubricks, a CMS application.

I heard that fastladder is the application what you want.

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