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eurucamp 2012 – Call for Proposals (CFP) now open

eurucamp 2012, the european Ruby camp, is now accepting proposals for sessions. Last year Rubyists from the Berlin community organised the camp+unconference eurucamp 2011. It ran parallel to the EuRuKo mega-event and was designed for those who wanted to come to Berlin but unable to get tickets to the main EuRuKo sessions. This year, we’re building upon the work done for eurucamp 2011, but transforming it into a standalone event.


Copying and pasting for length:

In the heat of summer, no one wants to be stuck inside all day. eurucamp will mix traditional conference-style sessions with workshops and social activities. Long lunch breaks will be scheduled with plenty of time for socialising, sports, sauna or even siesta.

@PeterCooper Thanks!

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