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Rails or Merb?

Matt Aimonetti compares Rails to Merb on the Rails on the Run blog. Turns out Merb’s 69% faster!


Sorry for the edit, but you didn’t explain what you were linking to :)

I’m a bit of a noob when it comes to merb (well, really, I’m just a ruby noob in general), and I can’t say I’ve ever used rails. I’ve been spending a lot of time over the past week or so with merb, though, and I really like the way it’s designed. It also seems to be pretty well coded, which is a huge plus for a framework that’s currently eschewed any documentation more complicated than rdoc. :)

I thought Ezra’s statement that “Rails will get you there faster” was interesting, too. Not in the sense that I disagree with him; just that I can’t say I’ve ever had to put up a quick and dirty webapp that hasn’t eventually morphed into something larger and more complex. That, and just the fact that I typically lean towards “lower-level” frameworks because I find they’re easier to hack on, has convinced me that merb is really worth figuring out.

I’m playing with Mack at the moment which is quite nice too (though nowhere near as mature as Merb). It is to Merb as Merb was to Rails.

I do want to play with Merb properly though, but have been kinda waiting for the next major release (I’m not a big fan of living on the edge!) due to the nice Rackness and restructuring.

@PeterCooper - no worries, I hadn’t had my coffee yet and was exicited to try it out! Sad thing is that it made total sense to me.

I do want to play with Merb properly though, but have been kinda waiting for the next major release (I'm not a big fan of living on the edge!) due to the nice Rackness and restructuring.

From what I’ve gathered, the API is actually frozen… they’re just polishing it up and working on documentation between now and 1.0.

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