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WordpRSS - a simple gem to help with the RSS aggregation app creation

Have you ever thought about building an RSS aggregator app with Rails? If yes then I have some goods news for you. I created WordpRSS – a simple Ruby gem that will help you to pull the data from any WordPress RSS channel. READ MORE


Hey Pawel, few thoughts here: 1. Why did you put a link to your own blog instead of directly using the GitHub page, the article in your blog is only saying a few words but has prominent leads collecting popup. 2. Did you know that Ruby has its own RSS parser: ? 3. There are a bunch of other RSS-parsing gems like , and many more. 4. It is intenionally named after WordPress but why, trying to gain more popularity or just being new kid on the block’s funky name?

Hello Kaloyan!

  1. I put the link to the blog instead of the link to the repo because since I’m the author I think it’s ok. I’m not selling any stuff and this popup on my blog is for collecting e-mails so I can send information about the free Ruby stuff. What’s more, I will be creating a free course using this gem so entering this link will be kind of follow-up to this
  2. Of course, I know
  3. I know this too
  4. Yes, it’s intentionally named after WordPress just to bold the idea behind this gem - I didn’t create this gem to gain popularity. It’s just a basic stuff, maybe someone will find it helpful. I created it because I wanted to learn how to create gems

Any technical feedback is also welcome

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