RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog

ShinyCMS 20.11 - the 'tricky second album' release ;)

Not quite the first of the month, but I tagged and released v20.11 of ShinyCMS a few days ago. There was a surprising amount of stuff in the release notes - apparently I’ve been busy - but the highlights are mentioned on the main release page (the first link here). In particular, all the models now have ‘soft delete’ via acts_as_paranoid, atom feeds are generated for the blog and news sections, and I added a set of partials and helpers for adding consistent pagination and search to pretty much every ‘list of data’ (index) page in the admin area. In the process of getting the pagination working, I Iearned that Kaminari has a very long-standing issue with routing into Rails Engines [1] [2] [3], which is a bit of a problem for a CMS built almost entirely out of them. Fortunately the community has provided a fix <3

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