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Bits & Blocks Press Bookshelf Update Now Incl. Crypto Fudge Warning

Hello, using jekyll (and github pages) with (remote) octobook themes you can build (online) books from your text w/ markdown formatting. I added more free (online) books / booklets to the latest real-world open-source / open-access example - Bits & Blocks Press Bookshelf (Source) - Free Books about Bitcoins, Blockchains, Contract Scripts ā€˜nā€™ More. New pubs include: Crypto Facts - Decentralize Payments - Efficient, Low Cost, Fair, Clean - True or False? by Nouriel Roubini, David Gerard, et al ++ Bitcoin White Paper - A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System by Satoshi Nakamoto ++ And more. Happy publishing w/ Jekyll and Octobook themes.

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