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Turn 0.9 Release

Turn 0.9 was released yesterday. It addresses all the issues users have reported since the previous 0.8.2 release including full backtrace support, test skipping and the bundle exec autorun problem. All good news.

Unfortunately, these changes have also forced two significant changes for end-users. First, Turn no longer supports TestUnit at all. For the 0.9.x series, Turn will only support MiniTest. Second, the require statement in test helpers script must be changed from require ‘turn’ to require ‘turn/autorun’ –necessary because Bundler tries to load everything in it’s Gemfile by default.

Turn 0.9 probably won’t be on the scene long. The upcoming 1.x series will be a complete rewrite and is nearing completion as I write this. In the mean time Turn 0.9 should still provide its users plenty of improved, colorful test output.


gem ‘turn’, :require => false

What is “Turn” and is there a site for it?

It’s a gen that colorizes tests output:

I am surprised that Turn is dropping support for Test::Unit, given that Test::Unit with Turn is the default test setup for Rails. Time to better acquaint myself with MiniTest …

Thank you, Michel!

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