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Sending Transactional Emails From Rails

It seems transactional emails are an afterthought for developers, but it’s an important part of doing business online. The most successful software business, especially ecommerce, optimize their transactional emails to increase engagement and revenue.

If you want to leverage (or help your client leverage) transacational emails as a communication tool that drive business results, I’ve compiled the best content on the topic into an email course for you.

In the email course, we’ll cover…

++ What exactly are transactional emails? And why are they important?

++ How to send transactional emails with ActionMailer

++ How to test email functionality with RSpec

++ Why you should use Mandrill and how to set it up in your Rails app

++ 10 best practices to keep in mind, and 8 common mistakes to avoid.

Find out how to send transanctional emails from your Rails app, the right way.

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