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Re-launch of RailsForum announced

I just received this email about the total re-launch of the site:

So, y’all go sign up!!!

When we launched Rails Forum in May 2006, … it grew to over 4,000 members and 24,000 posts in the first year. …

Unfortunately, we didn’t do a very good job of maintaining that community and it has been overrun by spam in recent years. …

That’s why today we’re happy to announce that we’re relaunching Rails Forum. We want the forum to get back to its roots. We want to be a useful resource that contributes positively to the Rails community again. We needed a clean slate. To that end, we’ve ported everything over to a more mature and secure software system, redesigned the site, and put in place a new moderation team.

We hope you’ll take a moment to join us and register for the new Rails Forum at

Please don’t hesitate to let us know if you have concerns or suggestions for serving you better.


Josh Catone, Adam Cooke & Kelli Shaver



How about hosting it on a cutting edge, open source rails-based platform?

Good news but “sad” that it doesn’t run a Rails forum app.

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