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Cutting corners is a short-sighted strategy #noshortcuts

In between my travels to Thailand and Japan I felt inspired by a Twitter conversation with Pieter Levels from where the main subject was how 100% bootstrapped (ie: no external investment) and fully-independent lifestyle business companies were not perceived as ambitious.

“Oh, your company only makes 1 million USD a year? Why don’t you raise some money and turn it into a 100MM/year one?”

Certainly, that’s the sexy path to go for most people nowadays, who happily take venture capital to step up their game and accelerate their growth whilst giving away the control of their own company, among other things.

At MarsBased - our Ruby consultancy -, we are not doing such things. Our lifestyle business is about growing organically, about not spamming, not indulging in aggressive marketing tactics and not doing anything we don’t feel comfortable doing.

That can be summed up in a philosophy: we take #noshortcuts

You’re welcome to join the movement 🙃

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