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Day 4 - Ruby Advent Calendar '17 - journaltxt - Blogging reinvented: Read Journal.TXT

Hello, welcome back to the Ruby Advent Calendar 2017. Let’s continue the series on Day 4 with journaltxt - Blogging reinvented: Read Journal.TXT - single-text file journals - and write out (auto-build) a blog (w/ Jekyll posts etc.). Bonus: Add Your Perfect Day! Berlin.TXT, Munich.TXT, Salzburg.TXT, Paris.TXT, London.TXT, Rome.TXT, New York.TXT, Austin.TXT, Tornoto.TXT, Calgary.TXT, Melbourne.TXT, Sydney.TXT, … - Anyone? Write your perfect day(s) in a single-text file with Journal.TXT. Cheers. PS: You’re more than welcome to send in your articles (about your library / gem of choice) too!

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