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Rabarber v2: A Major Update for the Role-Based Authorization Gem

We’re excited to announce the release of version 2 of Rabarber, a role-based authorization gem for Ruby on Rails. This new version brings significant improvements, cleaner code, and a more refined user experience.

This is a major version release, bringing several breaking changes. If you’ve been using older versions, please refer to the migration guide to upgrade to v2.0.0.

What’s New:
  • Simplified Configuration: With cleaner setup and improved flexibility, configuring Rabarber is now easier.
  • Support for UUID Primary Keys: You can now use UUID primary keys with Rabarber.
  • Bug Fixes: This release includes bug fixes, enhancing the stability and reliability of the gem.
  • Code Refactoring: The codebase has been significantly refactored and improved for better performance and stability.
What’s Next?

With version 2, Rabarber enters a new phase. The rapid development cycle has come to an end, and we’re focusing on stability and refinement. While new features may be added in the future, probably including multi-tenancy support and enhanced access control methods, releases will be less frequent, ensuring a more stable and reliable experience for the users.

To learn more about Rabarber and how to use it in your Rails applications, check out the README on GitHub.

Happy coding!

Rabarber Developers

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