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Ruby Conferences & Camps in 2018 Calendar Update @ Planet Ruby - What's Upcoming?

Hello, I’ve updated the ruby conferences & camps in 2018 calendar. What’s upcoming? October: Sat 6 (1d) Ruby Russia @ Moscow, Russia // Thu+Fri 25+26 (2d) RubyConf Malaysia @ Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia ++ November: Fri 9 (1d) Keep Ruby Weird @ Austin, Texas, United States // Tue-Thu 13-15 (3d) RubyConf @ Los Angeles, California, United States. Any others? Please tell. Cheers. Prost. PS: Did you know? The calendar page (source) is built with … jekyll. PPS: For 2019, see the ruby conferences & camps in 2019 calendar page.

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