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FIFO queues with resque

Need something like apache kafka but only want a pure ruby solution and reuses your resque workers? The resque-fifo-queue gem aims to do something like that.


Witch is the state of resque-fifo-queue ?? I am trying to use it but after install it (via Gemfile and bundle) I dont have the resque new tasks resque:fifo-worker and resque:fifo-workers.

bundle exec rake environment resque:fifo-worker QUEUE="massive_notification" rake aborted! Don't know how to build task 'resque:fifo-worker' (see --tasks) I must be missing something :-( . Thanks!

hmm… it works fine with mine, could you provide information on your rails version as well as ruby version that you are using? Also don’t hesitate to file an issue in github

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