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Contribute to RVM, Homebrew and Exercism, May 11-12 at ROSS conf Amsterdam

ROSS conf Amsterdam gives (Ruby) open source software maintainers the platform to introduce their project to an audience of first time as well as existing contributors. After 15 minute introductions to the project, pressing issues and requests, the conference day is reserved for hands-on programming (or contributing through updating documentation or adding artwork!) and pairing with the maintainers in small groups. To conclude the hackathon the maintainers present data on bugs fixed, issues assigned, contributions made etc.

Zachary Scott (Ruby core team) about his ROSS conf (Berlin) experience: “We had a strong team with contributors from a variety of backgrounds. We received 3 patches, 1 bug fix, and 1 feature, all in the course of just one day. I couldn’t be more pleased!”

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