RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog

Cropping with Carrierwave

Wrote up a quick post with an example of how to make use of imagemagick’s crop functionality through Carrierwave. Link.


What does cropping have to do with uploader?

Carrierwave is commonly used to upload images, and manipulate those uploaded images with imagemagick (via rmagick or Minimagick). Certainly, this is typically how I use it.

So, in a project where I needed to crop uploaded images to create square images from non square images, it took me about 20 minutes of googling to find an easy solution. Hopefully this post will save someone else some time :)

Cool, good to know that it’s that easy :). It seems that your link is still showing all posts, so your new Middleman post is at the top.

Yep, fixed :)

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