RubyFlow The Ruby and Rails community linklog

Setting up Atom for Ruby and Rails Development

After using Sublime and Vim for several years, I switched to Atom a year ago, and have not missed one feature from the other two so far. Here are the packages, preferences, and tips I recommend for getting the most out of this great open source editor.

Any other Atom user in the room? Have your say and I’ll include it in the post.


HI Miguel, I’ve just published ‘ruby-test-switcher’, an Atom package which allows you to switch between Ruby source code and test files with a single keystroke: Happy hacking! ;)

HI Miguel, I’ve just published ‘ruby-test-switcher’, an Atom package which allows you to switch between Ruby source code and test files with a single keystroke: . Happy hacking! ;) P.S.: Link above doesn’t work properly (extra dot at the end) and it looks like I can’t edit/delete the comment.

broken link?

link not working

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