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Roguelytics: Free On-Page Analytics Platform Ruby Gem Released

My name is Rachel. I would love to introduce you to Roguelytics - real-time, on-page web analytics.

Looking for developers who have small to medium size businesses clients with websites. Our platform is in beta at the moment so we’re allowing developers to use for free. Platform is significantly less complicated than analytics platforms currently available. Our platform is not an alternative to Google Analytics. Ideally should be used together with a web analytics solution like Google.

About the Platform:
• Real-time on-page analytics – displayed as an expandable/collapsible drawer, providing actionable and insightful data at your fingertips.
• Multiple testing environments
• User-friendly simplifying data and tools that track, forecast, and interpret user behavior and activity in real-time.
• Quickly make more accurate business decisions through clarified and simple metrics.

Download our Ruby Gem here!

Sign up today at

To learn more, send us an email:
For developers interested in deeper integration:

Thanks all - looking forward to hearing your feedback!


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