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AppPerf Updates (Opensource App Performance Monitoring)

Just wanted to reach out and share some updates around my open source application performance application AppPerf. Here is a list of some of the updates I have made recently.

AppPerf ( )

  • Support for distributed tracing across applications that you have managed in the tool.
  • Added organizations/users.
  • Updated to use MsgPack instead of OJ for sending data. Smaller api calls = faster ingestion of data.
  • Templates updated to HAML.
  • Show error information within specific Span.
  • Added Latency percentiles and Latency Distribution charts.
  • Added Hosts page to view data sent from the app_perf_agent.

AppPerfRpm ( )

  • Now using the OpenTracing framework.
  • Supports distributed tracing.

AppPerfAgent (New, )

  • Start of a system level agent used to deliver some metrics around a server/system. CPU, Disk, Network, Memory, Load.

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