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aruba 0.11.1 released

We are pleased to announce “aruba” version 0.11.1. aruba is a gem to test command-line applications with Cucumber-Ruby, RSpec or Minitest

For a detailed list of changes, please have a look at our or use the diffing feature of Github.

Notable Changes

  • Refactored and improved documentation (feature tests) in PR #309
  • Reorder rubies in .travis.yml
  • Integrate EventBus to decouple announcers from starting, stopping commands etc. This uses nearly the same implementation like cucumber. (PR #309)
  • Starting/Stopping a command directly (command.start, command.stop) is now reported to the command monitor and last_command_stopped is updated correctly
  • Added #restart to Command to make it possible to restart a command
  • Added check to prevent a command which has already been started, to be started again. Otherwise you’ve got hidden commands which are not stopped after a cucumber/rspec/minitest run.
  • Adding a lot of documentation to aruba
  • Refactored #run: Now it wants you to pass a Hash containing the options. The old syntax is still supported, but is deprecated.
  • Added #find_command as experimental feature. It searches the started commands from last to first.
  • Added be_an_executable matcher
  • Set stop signal which should be used to stop a process after a timeout or used to terminate a process. This can be used to stop processes running docker + “systemd”. If you send a systemd-enable container SIGINT it will be stopped.
  • Added a configurable amount of time after a command was started - startup_wait_time. Otherwise you get problems when a process takes to long to startup when you run in background and want to sent it a signal.
  • Replace <variable> in commandline, e.g. <pid-last-command-started> [experimental]
  • Added announce formatter for time spans, e.g. startup_wait_time
  • All *Process-classes e.g. BasicProcess, SpawnProcess etc. are marked as private. Users should use #run('cmd') and don’t use the classes directly.
  • rvm-methods are deprecated. They too ruby specific.
Known issues
  • Windows

    There are still failing tests of our test suite on Windows. We’re going to work on that. Any help is highly appreciated.

Upcoming changes
  • Improved support for windows

    Fix the windows issues.

  • Improve documentation

    We work on improving the documentation. With one of the upcoming versions we plan to release a new aruba-website with all our documentation.

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