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Rails and Conditional Validations in Models

Adding consents for accepting Terms of Service/Privacy Policies must have been a top popular feature in the majority of the applications due to enforcement of GDPR in May ;). From the technical aspects that GDPR requires, there is a proof of consent for processing the personal information. In that case, you need to have some actual attributes in the database that would confirm the fact that some user has indeed accepted Terms of Service/Privacy Policy.

That makes a significant impact on how we approach this kind of features. However, in the past, such things were quite often not stored in a database at all – it just took some UI acceptance validation or maybe a validation of the virtual attribute on the backend to be on the safe side.

Let’s focus on the latter case where we don’t need to store anything in DB and see what the possible solutions to that problems are. As trivial as this problem initially sounds, it will get quite interesting ;).

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