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CapsuleCD v2 Released

CapsuleCD is a generic Continuous Delivery pipeline for versioned artifacts and libraries written in any language. It’s goal is to bring automation to the packaging and deployment stage of your library release cycle. CapsuleCD is incredibly flexible, and works best when implemented side-by-side with a CI pipeline.

Supports libraries written in any language. Has built-in support for:

  • Ruby Gems
  • Chef Cookbooks
  • Python Pip
  • NodeJS Npm Packages
  • Golang Packages

Follows language/library best practices. Including things like:

  • bumping semvar tags
  • regenerating any *.lock files
  • validates all dependencies exist and are free of vulnerabilities
  • runs unit tests & linters
  • uploads versioned artifact to community hosting service (rubygems/supermarket/pypi/etc)
  • creating a new git tag
  • pushing changes back to source control & creating a release
  • and others..

If you’re interested in learning more, you can check out the AnalogJ/CapsuleCD github repo, or read the announcement blog post

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